Psychologically Skilled Individuals


Individual Services

The coaching profession desperately needs higher standards of practice. We are elevating levels of professionalism through our team of expert practitioners, led by Professor Jason Spendelow and Giorgia Flora.

Our team has collective expertise in clinical psychology and psychotherapy, alongside extensive training in evidence-based strategies (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness, and more). Moreover, our team members are affiliated with internationally recognised organisations (e.g., the International Coaching Federation and the American Psychological Association).

We have extensive experience improving performance and wellbeing. Our team has a track record of success working with various issues. Examples include imposter syndrome, public speaking anxiety, low confidence, lack of career progression, leadership and interpersonal issues.

Our professional service is focused on helping people rapidly adopt practical, evidence-based skills that significantly improve confidence, well-being, and performance.

Our Individual Coaching Process

  1. Identify your performance and/or well-being goals

  2. Assess current challenges using psychological science to understand and conceptualise obstacles

  3. Develop and implement a personalised intervention using evidence-based strategies

  4. Monitor and evaluate outcomes against initial goals

  5. Maintainance of gains, including further support and booster sessions where required

Executives, managers and staff across various sectors utilise our expertise. Many of these professionals work for high-profile international organisations such as Philips, Google, HSBC, and NatWest. But, many people also utilise our coaching service to improve their personal lives.

The challenges we address often cut across personal and professional spheres. We have the skills and tools to recognise how to resolve problems in these different contexts.


Accelerate your performance and wellbeing skills development by joining TPP+. You get access to technique videos, live skills consolidation workshops, book reviews, deep dive webinars, coaching session discounts, and more.


Group Services

We provide group training in several performance and wellbeing topics. In addition to bespoke workshops, we offer our Bootcamp and Masterclass series.

Performance & Wellbeing Bootcamp

The bootcamp training is comprised of three, 3-hour workshops focusing on workplace skills fundamental to team members in any industry. The three sections of this training are:

  • Reflect to progress- Professional reflective practice to maximise learning and skill development

  • Self regulation and management- Developing skills in the identification and response to ‘Difficult Inner States’

  • Self in context- Key interpersonal and communication skills to manage difficult exchanges

Masterclass series

Individual 3-hour workshops that build on Bootcamp training and address common workplace stressors:

  • Workload and job demand stressors

  • Performance anxiety and perfectionism

  • Client/customer service stressors

Get in touch to discuss your group training needs.