Skills & Techniques

Skills and Techniques is divided into three sections:


Section One: Core Skills

This section contains foundational strategies in physical health, mental fitness, and hones your ability to gather information relevant to performance and wellbeing issues. Work through these skills first.

Section Two: Bridge Skills

This section builds on core skills with a selection of strategies focused on cognition, behaivour or people (interpersonal) competences. Work through this section after core skills.

Section Three: Skills Application

Apply core and bridge skills to specific performance and wellbeing issues in this section. Select videos based on your current interests or challenges.


Section One: Core Skills

1. Breathing

Good breathing technique brings many physical and psychological benefits.

Breathing techniques can be used for purposes beyond relaxing the body.

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2. Being Mode

‘Being Mode’ is a cognitive state in which we observe ourselves and our surroundings. Contrast this with ‘Doing Mode’ where we process information (e.g., interpreting the world, planning, etc).

Being mode is crucial for information gathering, objectively seeing the world, and managing difficult emotional states.

Download the body scan exercise audio

Extra resources:


3. RIS Diary

A Relevant Internal State (RIS) is any inner psychological state of interest to performance and well-being.

Catching and describing a RIS is crucial to understanding what causes and maintains our challenges.

Extra resources:

  • Blank RIS diary form

Available to TPP+ Members

4. Reflective Model

Structured reflection is a method to maximise learning from any significant experience, good or bad.

We apply new learning by changing our approach to performance and well-being issues.

Extra resources:

  • Blank reflective model diary form

  • The Kolb reflective cycle explained

  • The Gibbs reflective cycle explained

Available to TPP+ members

5. Fundamental Self-Care

A healthy diet, good sleep routine, and regular exercise have proven well-being benefits.

Understand key elements in these areas, and stay alert for psychological barriers to self-care.

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Section Two: Specific Skills

Cognition 1: Mindset

Mindset is your general game plan for any performance and wellbeing issue.

This is your cognitive starting point for successfully tackling challenges in your life.

Extra resources:

Available to TPP+ members

Cognition 2: Biases & Heuristics

We are all prone to biases and heuristics that distort our thinking.

Understanding these distortions is key to fostering rational, objective thought processes for enhanced performance and wellbeing.

Extra resources:

Available to TPP+ members

Cognition 3: Questioning Technique

Unhelpful thoughts and thinking patterns require an adaptive response to minimise negative impact on performance and wellbeing.

The questioning technique is an excellent strategy to increase flexibility and objectivity in our thinking.

Extra resources:

Available to TPP+ members

Behaviour 1: Behaviour in RIS

Behaviours influence other RIS elements.

Understanding the function of behaviours is critical to modifying or replacing them most effectively.

Learn three important questions to help you understand the purpose of RIS behaviours.

Extra resources:


Behaviour 2: Safety Behaviours

Safety behaviours are an important category of actions to understand.

We should be aware of safety behaviour categories and why they undermine performance and wellbeing.

Extra resources:

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Behaviour 3: Behaviour and Values

‘What’s the right response?’. A common question when faced with a RIS. But, there is often no actual ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer in life.

Values-based actions overcome this issue by focusing behaviour on what matters most to you.

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Section Three: Skills Application

Imposterism (Imposter Syndrome)

Imposterism is the failure to take appropriate credit for achievements. People with this problem fear being exposed as ‘frauds’, despite existing success in life and/or work.

Learn more about this concept and identify effective management strategies for this common challenge.

Available to TPP+ members


Perfectionism involves excessively high, unrelenting standards that erode your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

This discussion will help you understand the key components of perfectionism and the steps required to reduce the negative consequences of this phenomenon.

Available to TPP+ members


Procrastination is a complex issue involving psychological, behavioural, and environmental contributors.

Understand this challenge and identify key response strategies to increase efficient time use.

Coming Soon….

Burnout (March 15th, 2025)

Managing Difficult Conversations (April 15th, 2025)

Problem Solving (May 15th, 2025)

Intelligent Failure (June 15th, 2025)

How To Get Mentally Unstuck (July 15th, 2025)